EMBA Alumni

Lifelong learning
Stay at the forefront. Our program will be by your side to refresh your knowhow and keep you at the cutting edge of new methodology.
Get involved
Local alumni dinners, worldwide recruiting events – there are loads of ways to get involved. Or how about helping out with EMBA admissions interviews?
Stay in touch
Through your WHU email address, the In Praxi alumni association, or our social networks – remain in the loop, keep networking, and stay connected.
The Kellogg Alumni Network
Personal and professional support. During your studies and far beyond. As a Kellogg-WHU Executive MBA graduate, you will join a globe-spanning network of high-impact, low-ego leaders. Engage it online or attend in-person events to gain knowledge, seek advice, find opportunities, volunteer, or simply reconnect with likeminded peers. Anytime. Anyplace.

In Praxi - WHU Alumni Association
The WHU spirit connects long after formal study finishes. Member-led since 1988, our independent, non-profit alumni association keeps graduates in close, cooperative contact. With each other, and with the school. In Praxi’s European chapters are right at the heart of the action and its support extends to current and future participants.

Kellogg-WHU Webshop –
Merch that gives back
Proud to be a member of the Kellogg-WHU network? Wear your pride. From T-shirts and hoodies to caps and rucksacks, we offer a range of apparel for all ages. And every time you buy an item, we will donate €1 to Fly & Help, an organization dedicated to building schools for children in developing countries.

Keep in touch – get involved and support Kellogg-WHU.

Find out more