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EMBA Curriculum –
International ausgerichtet

In Zeiten von komplexen globalen Herausforderungen braucht es Führungskräfte mit strategischem Weitblick und Mut, Verantwortung zu übernehmen. International im Kern, vermittelt Ihnen unser Curriculum das dazu notwendige Managementwissen. Flexibel an Ihre beruflichen Ziele anpassbar.
Ein Mann sitzt konzentriert mit einem Laptop an einem Tisch

Angepasst an den beruflichen Alltag erfahrener Führungskräfte

Symbolzeichnung eines Graduationshutes

Zwei Jahre, berufsbegleitend, modular aufgebaut

Symbolzeichnung eines Kalenders

60 Arbeitstage im Durchschnitt

Symbol einer Person, die an einer Tafel steht und darauf zeigt

Präsenzmodule an verlängerten Wochenenden

Blaues Symbol einer Weltkugel, die von zwei Pfeilen umgeben ist.

Internationale Professor:innen der WHU, Kellogg und weltweiten Partnerhochschulen

Ihr Executive MBA Curriculum

Vor Mitte September
Online Preparatory Module
Quantitative Methods:
Gain insights into quantitative methods for business and management applications and familiarize participants with basic mathematical tools. This course must be completed prior to program start.
September, Vallendar
Module 1 | Leading the Organization
Sustainable Business

Leadership in Organizations:
Begin developing, refining, and reflecting on leadership skills during this introductory course on leadership.
November, Vallendar/Düsseldorf
Module 2 | Market Impact
Marketing Management:
Gain insights into marketing planning and segmentation, targeting, and positioning.

Managerial Economics:
Examine the economic foundations relevant for the strategic management of business organizations.
Januar, Düsseldorf/ Vallendar
Module 3 | Creative Destruction
Generative AI for Business Application:
In this course, participants will learn how to leverage ChatGPT and other Generative AI tools to improve ideation, facilitate customer interactions, optimize data-driven decisions, and automate business tasks.

Strategic Innovation & Corporate Renewal:
Communicate the most critical and strategic aspects of managing innovation and corporate renewal.
Februar, Vallendar/Düsseldorf
Module 4 | Financial Performance
International Financial Reporting & Analysis:
An introduction to financial reporting, the “language of business”, from a global perspective.

Managerial Finance:
Introduce the concepts and techniques necessary to analyze and implement optimal investment decisions by firms.
April, Vallendar/Düsseldorf
Module 5 | Developing Strategic Foresight
Business Strategies:
Build an understanding of how competitive strategy may lead to the creation and persistence of profits.

Making Sense of Data:
Gain a basic understanding of confidence intervals and hypothesis tests to interpret data.
Mai, Internationales Modul
Module 6 | Global Markets

Doing Business in Developing Countries
Juni, Düsseldorf
Module 7 | Business Functions
Corporate Finance
Introduction to the basic principles of corporate finance and development of the necessary practical tools for financial decisions and corporate valuation.

Operations Management
An introduction to Operations Management, approaching the discipline from the perspective of a general manager rather than the operations specialist.
August, Chicago
Module 8 & 9 | Kellogg Global Network Weeks
Negotiation Strategies:
Develop negotiation skills in a series of negotiations and debriefings.

Strategic Crisis Management:
Focus on crisis management from the point of view of managers and consultants.

Marketing Analytics:
Address analytics as a leadership problem and improve organizational performance with the right data.

Strategic Decisions in Operations:
Gain insights into strategic decision making in operations and their impact on a firm's financial performance.

*Please note: Courses and dates are subject to change, courses listed are example courses from previous years
Oktober, Vallendar/Düsseldorf
Module 10a* | Local Electives
Sprint: Agile Business Model Development
Run a business idea “sprint” over multiple days to kick-start a new business model, startup, or company project.

*Choose either Module 10a or 10b
Januar, Vallendar/Düsseldorf
Module 10b* | Local Electives
Marketing Strategy:
Gain the tools to appreciate strategic thinking about marketing and brands.

Ethics & Executive Leadership:
Shift from being an excellent leader to being an excellent CEO by exploring issues that top corporate leaders must keep in mind.

*Choose either Module 10a or 10b
September - March
Module 11 | Field trips: Exploring New Business Horizons
Sample destinations: Europe, Asia

*Please note that one field trip is compulsory
März/April, Vallendar/Düsseldorf
Module 12 | Capstone Week
Capstone-Business Simulation:
In Executive Teams, run competing firms in simulated product markets and debrief on concepts and tools of corporate and competitive strategy.

Management Accounting:
Focus on the behavioral issues of management accounting to illustrate real-world problems of management accounting in large corporations.
November – June
Module 13 | Global Electives (one required)
Locations: Chicago, Hong Kong, Lisbon, Miami, Shanghai / Beijing, Toronto, London, Washington D.C., Boston

A selection of the modules available:

Digital Strategy: Individual and Organizational Transformation for a Digital Age
Mergers and Acquisitions Strategy
Visualization for Persuasion
Leading High Impact Teams
Global Corporate Restructuring
International Finance
World Economy
Strategies for Growth

*Please note: Courses and dates are subject to change
Mai, Vallendar
Module 14 | European Elective
Leveraging collaboration for innovation: alliances, ecosystems and platforms:
Acquire a rich set of concepts, frameworks and tools to improve the ability to build, manage, and profit from different modes of inter-organizational collaboration.

Entrepreneurial Finance:
Focus on financial economic foundations of a new venture, from idea to exit.

Business Tax Strategy:
Understand how taxes affect business decisions, gaining necessary concepts for international application.

Managing People for Competitive Advantage:
Focus on the people side of business from a general management perspective.

Please note: Courses and dates are examples from previous years and are subject to change
Juni – August
Module 15 | Master Thesis
Demonstrate the ability to apply scientific methods to actual management solutions.
Leadership and Career Development
Group and individual Executive Leadership Coaching:
Crisis simulations and your own real-world leadership challenges are the background for group coaching and are springboards to individual coaching with a certified Executive Coach who will focus on your individual goals and growth toward becoming an exceptional leader.  

Workshops and presentations tailored to the needs of each cohort
Sample topics:

• Stage Rules, Self-Presentation and the Perfect Pitch
• Managing Challenging Negotiations
• Resilience in Disruptive Times
• Leading Through Diversity and Inclusion
• Powerful CV Evaluation and Career Development tools and hsort courses
• Polish your CV to take the next step in your career

Please note: Courses and dates are examples from previous years and are subject to change.
Vor Mitte September
1. Jahr
2. Jahr

Qualifikationsziele Executive MBA

Einen Überblick über alle Lernziele und Kompetenzen, die Sie mit einem EMBA erreichen, finden Sie hier: 

Qualifikationsziele Kellogg WHU EMBA

Von Grund auf global: Das Kellogg Global Network.

Global Network Weeks

Expertenwissen aus erster Hand – Ihre Professor:innen

Das wertvollste Kapital unserer Fakultät sind die Menschen, die diese ausmachen. Die Kellogg-WHU Professor:innen sind international herausragende Wirtschaftswissenschaftler:innen. Sie sind Mentor:innen, die Sie fordern und fördern. Sie geben inspirierende Denkanstöße. Sie schätzen den Austausch auf Augenhöhe und die vielfältigen Perspektiven der Studierenden, die sie jederzeit mit Rat und Tat unterstützen.

Auswahl an führenden Expert:innen aus der Wirtschaftswissenschaft

Ein älterer Herr in Anzug und Fliege schaut in die Kamera
Karl Schmedders
Professor of Finance
IMD Business School, Visiting Professor at Kellogg School of Management
Decision Making under Uncertainty
Making Sense of Data
Eine Frau in dunklen Haaren und blauer Bluse schaut in die Kamera
Sarit Markovich
Clinical Professor of Strategy
Kellogg School of Management
Business Strategies
Ein Mann in Anzug und Krawatte lächelt in die Kamera
Tim Calkins
Associate Chair of the Marketing Department
Kellogg School of Management
Marketing Strategy
Ein Mann in schwarzem Anzug und verschränkten Armen
Holger Ernst
Lehrstuhl für Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Strategic Innovation & Corporate Renewal
Eine Frau in dunklen Haaren und schwarzer Jacke schaut in die Kamera
Leigh Thompson
Professor of Management & Organizations
Kellogg School of Management
Leading High Impact Teams
Negotiation Strategies
Ein Mann in weißem Hemd steht vor einer Gruppe in einem Hörsaal
Christoph Hienerth
Lehrstuhl für Unternehmertum, Existenzgründung und Kreativität
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Agile Business Model Development
Ein grauhaariger Mann mit blauem Hemd und dunkler Anzugjacke schaut in die Kamera
Jürgen Weigand
Institut für Industrieökonomik
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Managerial Economics
Capstone - Business Simulation
Ein blonder Mann in Anzug lächelt freundlich in die Kamera
Christian Andres
Rektor der WHU, Lehrstuhl für Empirical Corporate Finance
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Corporate Finance
Ein dunkelhaariger Mann im Anzug schaut frontal in die Kamera
Alex Chernev
Professor of Marketing
Kellogg School of Management
Strategic Brand Management
Ein dunkelblonder Mann mit Brille schaut freundlich in die Kamera
Florian Zettelmeyer
Professor of Marketing
Kellogg School of Management
Marketing Analytics
Ein Mann in Anzug und blauer Krawatte schaut in die Kamera
Serden Ozcan
Lehrstuhl für Innovation und Corporate Transformation
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Entrepreneurial Finance
Ein Mann mit Halbglatze schaut in die Kamera
Sergio Rebelo
Professor of Finance
Kellogg School of Management
International Finance
World Economy
Eine blonde Frau in blauem Blazer und Brille posiert vor der Kamera
Nadine Kammerlander
Institute of Family Business and Mittelstand Chair of Family Business
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Sustainable Business
Ein glatzköpfiger Mann im Anzug schaut in die Kamera
Yuval Kalish
Chair of Leadership, Networks and Organizations
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Leadership in Organizations
Ein Mann steht in der Mitte einer Gruppe und spricht mit enthusiastischer Mimik und Gestik
Kevin McTigue
Chair of Leadership, Networks and Organizations
Kellogg School of Management
„Marketing Management“
Ein dunkelhaariger Mann mit Brille und Anzug lacht freudig
Martin Prause
Institute for Industrial Organization
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Quantitative Methods
Capstone - Business Simulation
Das Bild zeigt einen Mann in mittlerem Alter in Brille und Anzug
Thorsten Sellhorn
Institute for Accounting, Auditing and Analysis
LMU Munich
International Financial Reporting & Analysis
Portrait eines dunkelblonden Mannes in grauem Jackett
Dries Faems
Lehrstuhl für Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technological Transformation
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Generative AI for Business Applications
Leveraging Collaboration for Innovation
Portrait eines Mannes mir Brille und Bart
Konstantin Milbradt
Associate Professor of Finance
Kellogg School of Management
Managerial Finance
Ein grauhaariger Mann in Anzug, der in die Kamera lächelt
Jan A. Van Mieghem
Professor of Operations
Kellogg School of Management
Operations Management
Ein junger Mann in Brille und grauem Pullover posiert mit verschränkten Armen
Maximilian Eckel
Managing Director WHU Entrepreneurship Center
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Agile Business Model Development
Portrait eines Mannes mit kurzen Haaren und dunklem Pullover
Adam Waytz
Chair of Management & Organizations Department
Kellogg School of Management
Ethics & Executive Leadership
Portrait eines fröhlichen Mannes mit Brille und kurzen Haaren
Thorsten Truijens
Accounting & Controlling
University of St. Gallen
Management Accounting
Portrait eines dunkelhaarigen Mannes mit Brille
Martin Hoegl
Institute for Leadership and Organization
LMU Munich
Managing People for Competitive Advantage
Eine Frau mit kurzen Haaren und dunklem Kleid spricht in ein Mikrofon
Victoria Medvec
Professor of Management & Organizations
Kellogg School of Management
Negotiation Strategies
Portraitbild eines lächelnden Mannes im Anzug
Timothy Fedderson
Professor of Managerial Economics & Decision Sciences
Kellogg School of Management
Strategic Crisis Management
Ein junger Mann im Anzug schaut freundlch in die Kamera
Nour Kteily
Professor of Management & Organizations
Kellogg School of Management
Negotiation Strategies
Foto von einem Mann mit dunklen Haaren in Anzug und Krawatte
Achal Bassamboo
Professor of Operations
Kellogg School of Management
Strategic Decisions in Operations
Mitarbeiterfoto eines Mannes in Anzug und Brille
Jose Liberti
Clinical Professor of Finance
Kellogg School of Management
Mergers, Acquisitions and Other Reorganization Methods
Global Corporate Restructuring
Eine Frau in heller Bluse und dunklen Haaren schaut freundlich in die Kamera
Suzanne Muchin
Clinical Associate Professor in Leadership Development and Communications
Kellogg School of Management
Selling Yourself and Your Ideas
Ein Mann mit grauen Haaren und Anzug lächelt fröhlich
Stefan Spinler
Kühne Foundation Endowed Chair for Logistics Management
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Sustainable Business
Ein Mann in dunklem Anzug verschränkt die Arme und lächelt fröhlich
Utz Schäffer
Institute of Management Accounting and Control
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Sustainable Business

Innovative Lernmethoden – Von- und miteinander lernen

Sie studieren zusammen mit Executives aus den verschiedensten Bereichen, aber mit einheitlich hohem Level an Erfahrung. Das Lernen von- und miteinander ist der Schlüssel, um innovative Lösungen für komplexe Probleme zu finden, die Sie in praxisnahen Fallstudien und Team-Projekten umsetzen. Unser "Flipped-Learning"-Ansatz schafft dafür den nötigen Raum, da Sie theoretische Inhalte vorab selbstständig online erarbeiten.